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286 为什么一个人的古鲁(上师)应该受到他的崇敬和感激? |
Feb 25, 2012: Why does one’s Guru deserve one’s reverence and gratitude? Bhagawan explains to us today.
The aim of all human effort is to achieve the oneness that lies behind all the plurality. Without accomplishing this, one cannot be in peace. No amount of repetition of the shanthi manthra (hymn of peace) is capable of granting that. The same current activates the many seemingly distinct instruments like the bulb, the mike, the fan, the refrigerator, the tape recorder, the stove, etc. The Guru is the one who reveals to you that invisible current. The Guru is like the stranger who entered the cottage of a poor man and announced that underneath the floor in his home, lies hidden a precious treasure which he can own, by a few minutes of digging. And for this the Guru deserves your gratitude.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 25, 1965. |
所有人类的努力,目标都是为了达到那个在万象背后的太一,不完成这件事,内在、外在都不会有和平。再多的静心真言(Shanti Mantra)也无法带给你这个成就。同一股看不见的电流,驱动众多的电器,如电灯、麦克风、电扇、电冰箱、录音机、电烤炉等等,晓谕你这个道理的,是你的古鲁(上师)。古鲁就像一位陌生人,进入一位穷人的茅屋,告诉他他家地下藏有宝藏,只要挖个几分钟,就可得到并拥有,所以古鲁值得你感恩。
Fill every deed of yours with the vision of the Spirit, the outlook of the Super-self.
[赛的启示] |