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285 如何过一个不受物质世界诱惑的生活?
Feb 24, 2012: How does one lead a life unaffected by the pulls of the objective world? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

Both the Swaroopa (form, reality) and the Swabhava (essential quality) of the Atma guarantee that It is unaffected. It is Asanga (not of the world). It is uninfluenced by anything that is not Atma. It has neither birth nor death, hunger nor thirst, grief nor delusion. Hunger and thirst are qualities of the Prana (vital essence, breath). Birth and death are characteristics of the body. Grief and delusion are affections of the mind. So, Arjuna, do not assign any status for these. Know yourself as the Atma. Give up all delusion and become unattached. Be like the lotus leaf in the marshy lake of Samsara (change); do not get smeared with the mud around you. That is the sign of Asanga; in it but yet outside it. Be like the lotus leaf, not like the porous ‘blotting paper’ that gets tainted with whatever it comes in contact with.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 10.
Joy and grief are caused when objects and senses meet.

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