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281 希瓦之夜(Shivarathri)的意义是什么? |
Feb 20, 2012: What is the significance of the festival of Shivarathri? Our Divine Master explains to us on this sacred day of Mahashivarathri.
Shivarathri is the day when one tries to establish friendship between the mind and God. Shivarathri makes one aware of the fact that the same Divinity is all-pervasive and is to be found everywhere. It is said that Shiva lives in Kailasa. But where is it? Kailasa means joy and bliss. It means that God lives in our minds, that are filled with joy and delight. How can one get this joy? It comes when we develop purity, steadfastness and sacredness. The heart then is filled with peace and bliss and becomes the temple of God. There is no use in just thinking of God on Shivarathri, once a year. Every day, every night, every minute, you should think of Divinity and sanctify your time. You yourself are truly Shiva, the Divine. Try to understand and recognize this principle of Shiva Tatva (Divine essence) which is indeed your own reality.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985. |
希瓦之夜是当一个人想要建立心和上帝之间的友谊的那一天,希瓦之夜让人意识到,神性无所不在,任何地方都可以发现它。据说希瓦住在凯拉斯峰案 [注一]。凯拉斯峰在哪里?凯拉斯峰意指我们的喜悦、我们的极乐,上帝住在称做凯拉斯峰的极乐之境,如果我们内心有喜悦、极乐,那就是凯拉斯峰。如何得到这个喜悦?当我们变得纯净、坚定而神圣时,它就会来到。这时心中就会充满平静与极乐,那你的心就成为凯拉斯峰,而希瓦就住在你身体这座庙里的内殿──你的心中。每年只在希瓦之夜想到上帝一次,是没有用的,要每天、每晚、每分钟都想到神性,神圣化你的时间。其实你是西瓦、是梵(道),试着去了解这个西瓦的精髓的道理,它实为你的本来面目。
[注一] Kailas峰:冈底斯山主峰之一,藏语称为冈仁波齐峰。印度教、耆那教、佛教、西藏苯教皆奉为神山。传说希瓦神居住在山顶。 |
To secure the grace of God one must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought, word and deed.
[赛的启示] |