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280 尽管处于困境中,为什么控制我们的感官、情绪,并坚持在神圣之道,是那么的重要?
Feb 18, 2012: Why is it important to control our senses, emotions and stay on the sacred path, despite difficult situations in the world? Bhagawan gives us a few tips today.

The most important reason for bondage is giving too much freedom to the mind. When an animal is tethered to a post, it will not be able to go elsewhere. It cannot show anger or violence or do harm to any person. But if it is let loose, it can roam around, destroy crops and cause loss and harm to others. In the process it may get beaten for the mischief done. Similarly, the mind must be bound by certain regulations and limits. As long as man lives within certain rules and disciplines, he will be able to maintain a good name and lead a happy and useful life. Once he crosses these limits he will go astray.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.
Our good conduct is our true wealth.

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