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274 我们如何才可以看透妄见的面纱,进而获得觉悟?
Feb 12, 2012: How can we see beyond the veil of maya (delusion) and attain realization? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Life is a tree of delusion, with all its branches, leaves and flowers of maya. You can realize this, when all your acts are dedicated offerings to God. See Him as the sap that runs through every cell; the Sun that is warming and building each atom. See Him in all and worship Him through all, for He is all. Engage in activity, filling it with devotion. It is devotion that sanctifies. A piece of paper is almost a trash, but if the contents of a certificate are written on it, you value and treasure it; it becomes a passport for promotion in life. Hence it is the bhaava (feelings behind an act) that matters, and not baahya (outward pomp and show). Without knowing this secret of transforming every action into an act of worship, people suffer from disappointment and grief. In sacred places of worship, stones of little value are shaped as Divine forms or idols. But when the feeling of devotion transmutes the idol, it becomes the highest treasure for the human mind.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1966.
Do all work as God’s work! Remember, it is He who inspires, helps, executes, enjoys, and pleases Himself!

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