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273 我们若爱世尊,那我们在社会中应当有怎样的行为?
Feb 11, 2012: If we claim to have love for Bhagawan, how should our behaviour in society be? Our Lord reminds us today of His expectations.

Develop love for all. Do not think that a person is superior or more devoted than the rest. Do not look down upon anyone as a disturbance and nuisance. If you have love for God, you will love all, for God is in every one. You sing bhajans (devotional songs) which say “God is all, God is in everyone” (Antha Sai Mayam). If that is true, how can you have love for God alone? You have pictures of God in your home or in the temple. If anyone speaks ill of any of them, do you like it? You don’t! So too, when you treat anyone harshly or speak rudely to anyone, you are treating Me harshly. When you are insulting anyone, you are insulting Me. I desire that you should conduct yourselves in a loving, harmonious and peaceful manner at all times! Serve everyone gladly, as you would serve Me.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 24, 1965.
To worship God as immanent in every atom or cell in the body is the highest form of worship.

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