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272 阿周那(Arjuna)问为什么主有时似乎不公平 – 祂赏赐一些人,但是把其他人拒之门外。
Feb 10, 2012: Why does it appear that at times the Lord is playing favouritism - that He is granting some better things and even denying it to others, asks Arjuna. Our Divine Master shares His message to all of humanity.

Some are always worn out by ills that affect the body; they are called the Aarthas. There are others who are worried by the struggle for prosperity, power, property, fame, etc.; they are Artha-arthis. The third type are those that yearn for the realisation of the Atma, and such people read the scriptures, move in the company of spiritual aspirants, act along the lines of scriptures - sadachara (Right Conduct), and are always motivated to reach the Lord; they are called Jijnaasus. The fourth is the Jnani, who is ever immersed in the Divine. I am like the Kalpavriksha (wish-fulfilling divine tree). My task is to give each what they ask for, without any prejudice or favouritism. Can any fault be imputed to the Sun shining its rays? The rays of the Sun fall equally upon all that are directly in their way; but if someone is behind something else, inside a closed room for instance, how can the Sun illumine them? Cultivate higher yearnings and receive accordingly!
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 8
To secure the grace of God one must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought, word and deed.

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