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270 是哪些微妙的内在敌人,我们常要留意? |
Feb 8, 2012: Which are the subtle inner enemies that we should always be cautious about? Bhagawan explains how each lead to the other and affect a spiritual aspirant.
Only those who are free from attachment, hatred, fear and anger; who are immersed in the name and form of the Lord, knowing of no other support than Him; and are sanctified by the knowledge of the Atma, can grasp Divinity. Those who seek the Lord without deviation, possessing Truth, Love and Right Conduct, will attain Him. This is absolutely true; give up any doubt you may have! People render their inner consciousness impure by ignorantly dwelling on the objective world. They take delight in mere sabda, rasa, gandha, (sound, taste, smell) etc. When they seek objective pleasure they are tempted to secure the objects that give pleasure; foiled in the attempt, they get restless, hateful and afraid. Fear robs one of his mental resources. It creates anger that cannot be easily pacified. Thus desire, anger and fear are aroused one after the other and these three must be removed to realize the Lord.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 8. |
Command the mind, regulate your conduct, keep your heart straight and clear, you will get the grace of God.
[赛的启示] |