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266 执行日常生活中的行动时,应该持怎样的态度? |
Feb 4, 2012: With what attitude should one perform actions in daily life? Bhagawan explains and inspires us today.
It is dedication to the Lord that sanctifies all activities. He is the prompter, executor, the giver of the required strength and skill, and the one who enjoys the fruit thereof. So dedication must come naturally to you, for all is His, and nothing is yours! Your duty is to believe that He is the impeller of your activities and draw strength from that belief. Until the wound heals and the new skin hardens, the bandage must protect the place. So too, until reality within is realized, the balm of faith, holy company and holy thoughts must be applied to the ego-affected mind. Develop good habits, mix in the company of the pious, do good deeds and serve those in distress - all these steps will lead you into the glorious path of Self-Knowledge. Take to this discipline from now and save yourselves from grief and distress. I bless that you get the will to do so and to persist until success is won.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1965. |
Look upon the body as a shrine in which the Divine is installed. Dedicate all actions to that God.
[赛的启示] |