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265 世尊阐明经典里的故事的意义,说明即使是动物也能赢得主的赐福。
Feb 3, 2012: Bhagawan explains the significance of the stories from epics, that show how even animals won the grace of the Avatar.

Virtuous character is found in Nature, and among the animals and birds as well. In the epic Ramayana, the eagle Jatayu was saved as a result of his virtuous nature (Guna). That is the reason why several monkeys too were given a chance to serve and be blessed with His grace. The same reason prompted the Lord to bless the squirrels who contributed to building the bridge in the epic. A monk or devotee is not made by a string of beads, an ochre robe and a stick in the hand. The clothes one wears and the language one has on the tongue do not decide who is a virtuous person and who is not; it is one’s conduct that settles it. Even animals have the potentiality to be good. Fostering goodness everywhere in everyone is the best means of ensuring the welfare of the world.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 8.
The one who discriminates well before engaging in any activity will naturally be virtuous in conduct and behaviour.

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