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264 为什么我们要服务他人?应该以什么心情去服务他人?
Feb 2, 2012: Why and with what feeling should we serve our fellow human beings? Bhagawan reminds us today.

Service to your fellow beings is more needed than service to the Lord. In fact, serving a person is equal to serving the Lord Himself. That is the path of true devotion. For what greater means can there be to please God than that of pleasing His children? The scripture Purusha Suktha describes God as having a thousand heads, eyes and feet. That is to say, every living being is God. Though there is a mention of a thousand heads, there is no mention of a thousand hearts, there is only one heart. The same blood circulates through all the heads, eyes, feet and limbs. When you tend to the limb, you tend to the individual. When you serve a human being, you serve God. When your goal is to serve and adore God, every step will yield you a spring of joy, and every moment, every opportunity is a valuable gift from Him.
- Divine Discourse, March 1966.
服务你的同胞比服事神更来得有需要,服务一个人其实就等于服务上主,此乃真正的虔诚法门,因为还有什么方式比取悦神的子女更能取悦神的呢?经典《Purusha Suktha 盘古颂》上面描述神有千头千眼千足,那就是说,每个众生都是神(的一部份)。虽然里面有提到一千个头,却没有说有一千个心,心只有一个,同样的血液流经所有的头、眼、足、肢体。照料肢体,就是在照料那个人,服务某一个人,就是在服务神。若以服务神并崇敬祂为目标,则每一步都能让你喜悦泉涌,而且每一刻、每个机会都成了祂给予的宝贵礼物。
Service is the highest form of worship and the best penance.

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