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263 道成肉身(Avatar)到来培育谁?世尊今天向我们解释,要得到上主的垂顾的人该拥有的素质。 |
Feb 1, 2012: Whom does an Avatar come to foster? Bhagawan explains to us today the qualities of a person worthy of His attention and Love.
The task of every Avatar has been to protect the sadhus, punish the wicked and support right conduct (Dharma). By sadhus, I do not mean monks and ascetics alone, as it is generally understood. It means the ones who practice goodness, uprightness and virtue (sadhu-guna). Note that these can be possessed by animals and even insects. The promotion of Sathwa guna (purity) is the best means of fostering sadhus. Being the embodiment of this sacred Guna, the Avatar fosters it wherever people practising virtues are found. Sadhu also implies those persons who do not swerve from their duty, whatever be the temptation or threat. All those who follow right conduct (Sadachara), who are virtuous (Sadsheela), who adhere to truth (Sathya), who yearn for the Divine presence (Sannidhi) of the Lord (Sarveswara), who observe Sad-dharma, who consider all (Sarvajana) as equal (Samaana); all of them are dear to Me and deserve My special attention.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 8. |
历任道成肉身的任务,都是来保护sadhu(游方僧、圣者),惩罚恶人,护持义。我所谓的sadhu,并不是专指一般所谓的僧侣和隐士,而是指任何善良、正直、有美德的人(sadhu的属性)。这些品性,动物甚至昆虫都可能具有。促进(人间的)萨埵属性(Sathwa guna︰清净纯洁的质量)其实是培育出sadhu最好的方法,道成肉身自己就具体表现了这种神圣质量,遇到有善德之人,祂就会去进一步培育这种神圣质量。因为那些sanyasin(出家人、发出离心的人)都在努力去修得这种质量,所以他们才被称为sadhu,并且应该会得到上主特别的垂顾。不过,不是只有他们才是sadhu,所有奉行正业(正当的行为),有良好习惯,服膺真理,渴望主临在,遵守正法,对众生一视平等的人,都是sadhu。
Spiritual progress will be rapid through right living, good conduct and moral behaviour.
[赛的启示] |