主页 >> 赛的启示 |
233 一个人应该以什么态度履行职责? |
Dec 30, 2011: With what attitude must one perform one’s duties in a society? Bhagawan explains and guides us on the right path.
You derive benefit from the world and the community, and so some activity on your part is their due. This world, really speaking, is a huge workshop; every human being is a limb in this organisation. The limb is allotted a task in accordance with its structure, and it must find its fulfillment in doing that work; and it has to be done as an offering to God. There is no single thing in the universe that does not engage itself in this great task. Plant and insect, stone and stump, wind and rain, heat and cold, if each of these does not work as per plan, the world cannot subsist. The sun and the moon carry on their routine tasks; wind and fire have to perform their duties without demur. If the earth and sun refuse to do the allotted duties what is to happen to the world? So, there is no one who is karma-less, but yet with body! It is only when each performs their task without fail, and with care, that the wheel will move quickly and smoothly.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6. |
Your life will be redeemed only when you involve yourself in the service of the society.
[赛的启示] |