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232 和平是每一个人都渴望的财富。但到哪里找到和平呢?
Dec 29, 2011: Peace is a wealth every human being craves for. But where does one find this peace? Baba explains to us today.

Everyone seeks and strives to be at peace with himself and with the community around. People have tried to get this peace by accumulating wealth, which gives power over others and the ability to command conveniences and comforts. Some have sought positions of authority and influence, so they can shape events suited to one’s aims and fancies. Unfortunately, these paths are beset with fear, and the peace that is secured thereby is liable to quick and sometimes violent extinction. Real Peace (Shaanthi) can be achieved only through Love! It is the fruit of the tree of life. This fruit with the sweet essence is encased in a bitter skin. The bitter skin is symbolic of the six evil passions that encase the loving heart of man: lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and hate. Those who remove the exterior through hard and consistent discipline attain the sweetness inside - the much desired peace; this peace is everlasting, unchanging and overwhelming.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1971.
Peace has to be attained through spiritual efforts, that is to say, through spiritualising every thought, word and deed.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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