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230 为什么我们要重新致力于,并集中精神,迈向神圣的道路? |
Dec 27, 2011: Why should we re-dedicate and re-focus ourselves to the Godward path? Bhagawan explains to us today.
Be thankful to the Lord that He gave you Time, as well as action to fill it with. He gave you food, as well as hunger to relish it. But that does not entitle you to engage in action indiscriminately. When you build a house, you install a door in front. What is its purpose? To admit all whom you welcome and to keep out all and sundry, and not let them in as and when they like. So too, select the impulses, the motives, the incentives that enter your mind; keep out the demeaning, the debasing, and the deleterious. Admit the highest wisdom of the scriptures, the wisdom culled out of the crucible of experience (anubhava jnaanam).
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1964. |
要感谢上主给你时间,还给你行动去填满那段时间。祂给你食物,并给你饥饿感,让你津津有味去吃它。可是那并没有让你有权利,可以不加明辨,任意从事行动。当你盖了一栋房子,你在前面装置一扇门,目的何在?是让你欢迎的人进来,而挡住闲杂的人。同样的,你要慎选进入你心中的冲动、动机、激励,将那些会贬低自己的、有害的挡在外面。让经典里的最高智能 ──anubhava Jnana(亲身体验而来的般若智能)── 进来。
Mind control is more heroic and beneficial than any other system of control.
[赛的启示] |