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226 如何过一个幸福、 神圣的生活?
Dec 23, 2011: How do we live a blessed, divine life? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

The Divine is not separate from you. You are the Divine. This conviction must grow in you. In the beginning you regard yourself as a mere human being. Then gradually you realize your potential divinity. Finally you realize your own inner Divinity. Embark on this journey to attain union with the Divine from now. Time waits for no one. Concentrate all your efforts to realize God. The primary requisite is the elimination of the ego; without this, the bliss of Divinity cannot be experienced. Ostentatious worship, wealth, power and position will not help you in the spiritual quest. They cannot confer peace or remove the fear that haunts man all the time. Only the man of faith is completely free from fear. Hence develop faith in God and lead a God-directed life. The one who is conscious of one’s faults is blessed. Equally blessed are those who see the good in others.
- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1987.
Whoever loves and serves all, him the Lord loves and honours.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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