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224 如何过一个圆满的生活?
Dec 21, 2011: How do we lead a life of fulfillment? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Embodiments of Love! There is nothing more precious in the world than Time; do not waste even a single minute of it. People today tend to waste their time in selfish pursuits instead of devoting it to selfless service. They are eager to receive help from others, but have no desire to be helpful. There are two types of human beings - the degraded and the sublime. The degraded are those who seek or receive things from others and not only forget to repay the obligation, but even try to harm those who have helped them. The sublime are those whose natural trait is to go to the aid of others. If they give a word they will try to honour it, whatever be the difficulties and obstacles. Through good deeds and sacrifice, foster the feeling of love, get rid of evil traits and lead a worthy life.
- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1985.
A disciplined life is the best offering you can make to the country or to the Divine in you.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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