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222 在《薄伽梵歌》里,主要求阿周那成为一位Stithaprajna (常住于自性中的圣者)。如何达到这个状态?
Dec 19, 2011: In the Geeta, the Lord implores Arjuna to be a Stithaprajna. How to attain that state? Bhagawan explains to us today.

When Arjuna prayed that Krishna must tell him the true characteristics of a Sthithaprajna, the Lord explained that a Stithaprajna is free from all desire and is stable in the knowledge and awareness of the Divine (Atma) alone. This state can be attained by two processes: first negative and then positive. The former is to give up all the promptings of desire in the mind and the latter is to implant therein ever-present joy. In the negative process, remove all the seedlings of wrong and evil from the mind; and in the positive process, grow and reap the crop of attachment to God. The pleasures the senses draw from the objective world are weeds; the crop is attachment to God. The mind is a bundle of wishes, and unless these wishes are removed by destroying their roots, there is no hope of vanquishing the mind. When the mind vanishes, the Stithaprajna is made.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 5.
How to purify the mind? By starving it of the bad food it runs after, namely objective pleasures. And by feeding it the wholesome food of the thought of God.
如何净化心念? 让它断食,吃不到它所追求的不良食物 ── 外在的愉悦;然后喂它有益健康的食物 ── 心中思念神。
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