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221 在《薄伽梵歌》里,无私服务的正确解释是什么?
Dec 17, 2011: What is the correct interpretation of selfless service, as enunciated in the Geetha? Bhagawan answers this question in crystal clear terms for us today.

Many commentators of the Geeta have interpreted that the giving up of the fruits of one’s actions is advised because one has no right or authority to desire the fruits. This is a great blunder. When one has the right to engage in action, one also has the right over the fruits of that action; no one can deny or refuse this. But the doer can, out of one’s own free will and determination, refuse to be affected by the result, whether favourable or unfavourable. The Lord has said in the Geeta, 'refuse the fruit' (maa phaleshu), which means, the deed does yields results, but the doer should not do it with the results in view. If Krishna's intention was to say that the doer has no right over the fruits of action, He would have said, 'It is fruitless' or 'na phaleshu,' (na, meaning no). To engage oneself in karma, knowing well that the result will follow, and yet being unattached to it or being unconcerned with it, is the sign of purity.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 5.
许多注解《薄伽梵歌》的人说,放弃行动的果实,是应该的,因为一个人没有权力去求那个果实。这是愚蠢的错误,当一个人有权采取行动时,他也有权享受该行动的果实,谁也不能否决。然而,行动者可以用他的自由意志和决心,来拒绝被行动的结果影响──不管那结果是有利的还是不利的。在《薄伽梵歌》里,主克里希那说过︰“拒绝那行动的果实。”意思是,行动的确会产生结果,但是行动者不应该为了结果而行动。如果克里希那想要说的是︰“为者(行动者)对行动之果实没有拥有权”,那祂应该会说︰“无果实可言(naphaleshu。 na︰不、非、无)”。从事行动,心里明知会产生结果,然而却不执着于它,不关心它,这乃是清净纯洁的象征。
Doing one’s duty lovingly and selflessly is the highest spiritual endeavor.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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