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220 我们对灵修坚持不懈的主要原因是什么?
Dec 16, 2011: What is the main reason for persisting in our spiritual practices? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Persisting in the spiritual discipline of ignoring the body means turning away from the temptations of the senses, that is, overcoming the six inner enemies – desire, anger, greed, attachment, pride and malice. Anger turns a person into a drunken brute. The other impulses are equally vicious. Seek only salutary action that will win His grace. Eat only Saathvik (simple, pure, vegetarian) food, that does not disturb the equanimity you earn from your spiritual activities. Do not break the even tenor of your spiritual practices. Remind yourself, how the great saint Ramadas never gave up his Naamasmarana (Contemplation of the Lord) in spite of the travails of living in jail. If you immerse yourself in Deha Tathwa, body consciousness, you start declining. But you can be really healthy and happy only when you are immersed in the universal and essential nature of the Self - Aatma Tathwa.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol V, Jan 29, 1965.
Conflict and discord in the world will cease when people learn to practice sense-control.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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