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219 我们怎么以无私之心尽自己的职责?
Dec 15, 2011: How can we go about doing our duties selflessly? Bhagawan guides us by explaining and reassuring us.

If you have an eye on the fruits of your actions, you are liable to be affected by worry, anxiety and restlessness. You may ask: “If the fruits have to be given up, how can one manage to live?” Let Me ask you - Why this weakness of heart, this nervousness? He who has assured, 'Yogakshemam vahamyaham' (I will take care of all your needs - worldly and spiritual) will certainly look after that. He will give the wherewithal and the means. The seeker (Karmayogi) who has learnt the secret of action (Karma) combined with sacrifice (Phala thyaga) should have Sama buddhi (equanimity), more than Sanga buddhi (mind attached to the world). Sanga buddhi leads one to think: “This action is mine; its results are due to my endeavours. I am the person entitled to it". Such thoughts bind the doer. Krishna in the Geeta declares, “Samathwam yogamuchyathe” (The end result of all spiritual practices is the attainment of equanimity). One should rise above this Sanga buddhi and try to attain Samathwam.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 5.
要是你行动,是着眼于成果,那你就难免受到烦恼、忧虑、不安的影响。你也许会问︰“成果要抛弃,那怎么活?”我反问你,为什么这么不坚强,这么紧张? 祂保证过︰“我会照顾你所有的人生需要──包括世俗方面和灵性方面”,祂当然会照顾,祂会提供必要的方法、手段和所需的金钱。一位行瑜伽(karma Yoga︰行动瑜伽)的修习者,了解了“行动与奉献结合起来”的秘密之后,sama buddhi(equanimity;平静;处之泰然;平常心)应该多过Sanga buddhi(世俗心)。Sanga buddhi会让人心想︰“这项行动是我所为,成果来自我的努力,我是有资格得到它的人。”这种得失心,让行动者失去自由,不再无拘无束。在《薄伽梵歌》里,克里希那宣称︰“平常心,才是真修行。”劝我们要超越Sanga buddhi。
Doing one’s duty lovingly and selflessly is the highest spiritual endeavour.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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