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218 要确保平静,正确的人生观是什么? |
Dec 14, 2011: What is the right outlook in life, that will ensure peace? Bhagawan illustrates to us today.
Always have the meaning and purpose of life in view. Experience that purpose and meaning. You and the Absolute Eternal Divine are One. You are not the individual, the temporary and the particular. Always act in conformity with this. Persist in your meditation until the awareness that you are performing meditation or a spiritual practice disappears. Forget the ego, let it melt and merge with all its layers of consciousness. There are some, who while meditating, strike at the mosquitoes that pester them! No, you must immerse yourself in meditation until you transcend all the physical and mental urges and impulses. Valmeeki, the author of Ramayana, was covered by the anthill that grew over him. People discovered his existence by the chants of the name “Rama” that emanated from the mound. Ignore the body (Deha) so that you may discover its Indweller (Dehi). Do not get engrossed in outer finery; instead delve deep and discover the inner splendour.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol V, Jan 29, 1965. |
心中要时时想到生命的意义和目的,去体验那个目的和意义。你与那永恒、绝对的遍在者一而不二,你不是那个个别、单个的小我,不是那个短暂的东西。要有这种知见,行动要符合这个知见。你的禅坐要一直坐到“忘我”──不再意识到“我在禅坐”──为止,忘掉那个“我”,让它与它所有的意识层都融入、没入上帝。有些人在禅坐时,蚊子一来骚扰,就去打! 不对,你要沉浸在禅定中,直到超越所有身体上和心里的冲动为止。《罗摩演义》的作者Valmeeki,因为长时间念诵主罗摩(Rama)的名号,结果蚂蚁都在他身上筑窝了。大家是因为听到蚁丘发出“罗摩、罗摩”的声音才发现他的。要忽略色身,以便发现色身内的寓居者。不要把心都放在外在的华丽,要深入内在,去发现那里的光辉。
You must endeavor to bend the body, mend the senses and end the mind.
[赛的启示] |