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215 为什么我们要坚持无私的行为?
Dec 11, 2011: Why should we persist in doing selfless acts? Swami explains the rationale to us today.

Desire the fruits of action (Karma) and you will be born again and again, caught up in that desire; give up that craving and you are liberated from the flux. The main point is to stick to the goal consistently. Your goal should be Karma (action), not Karma phala (the fruits of the action). Be aware that the desire for the fruits of one's actions is an indication of Rajoguna (quality of passionate action, resulting in pain). If you choose to remain inactive, it is an indication of Thamoguna (quality of sloth and inaction leading to ignorance)! That is even worse than Rajoguna. This lesson was not for Arjuna alone; this advice is intended for every seeker and the whole of mankind.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 4.
对于行动的成果抱有欲望,那你就会陷在那欲望中,而一再的轮回;放下那种渴望,你就能从那洪流中解脱出来。要点在于︰坚持目标,你的目标应该是行动,而非行动的成果。要意识到,对于自己行动的成果有所求,表示自己有Rajoguna(激、躁的质量)。而若选择不活动,则是Thamoguna(惰性、闇)的象征! 那比Rajoguna更糟。圣主克里希那这堂课,不是只给阿周那的,这是给所有求道者、给全人类的。
The hallmark of love is selfless sacrifice.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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