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209 为什么我们要将自己与感官分离,并转向内观? |
Dec 5, 2011: Why should we detach ourselves from the senses, and turn inwards? Bhagawan explains to us today.
Detach yourself from the senses. Only then the Spirit (Atma) will shine. The mind must be withdrawn from its present friends, the senses, and made loyal to its master, the intellect. Simply put, the grain must be separated from the chaff, through the exercise of viveka (discrimination). When you light a lamp and keep it in a room with all its five windows open, the wind will blow the flame out. To keep the lamp burning straight the windows must be closed. The senses are the windows; the flame is the mind concentrating on the single purpose of God-realisation. What do the outward-bound senses know of that sweetness? The frogs that hop around the lotus flower are unaware of the nectar contained in the flower. Only the intellect can reveal that bliss to you. Fix your desire on things that last and nourish, rather than on things that are flashy yet corroding.
- Sathya Sai Speaks: Vol V, Jan 29, 1965. |
要将自己与感官分离,那样,阿特曼才会发出它的光辉。一定要将心念从它目前的朋友 ── 感官 ── 中撤回,令其忠于其主人 ── Buddhi(菩提︰理智、智力、思维能力)。简单的说,一定要透过“明辨”,将稻米从谷子中分离出来。若你点燃一盏灯,放在房间里,但是五扇窗户都是打开的,那么风会把灯吹熄,要让灯焰稳定不摇,窗户必须关上。感官就是那窗户,那灯火就是心念,集中在一件事︰了悟上帝。那种甜蜜,外向的感官知道个什么? 在莲花四周跳跃的青蛙,对花内所藏的花蜜浑然不知。只有Buddhi(菩提︰理智、智力、思维能力)才能让你知道有那种极乐。要把你的欲望放在那些经久不变、有滋养作用的事物上,而不是那些稍纵即逝而又有伤害性的东西。
Conflict and discord in the world will cease when people learn to practice sense-control.
[赛的启示] |