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208 如何面对人生的起伏?
Dec 4, 2011: How should one fend oneself from the ups and downs of life? Bhagawan guides us today.

Generally, people seek only happiness and joy; under no circumstance do they desire misery and grief! They treat happiness and joy as their closest well-wishers, and misery and grief as their sworn enemies. This is a great mistake. When you are happy, the risk of grief is great; fear of losing the happiness will haunt you. Misery prompts inquiry, discrimination, self-examination and fear of worse things that might happen. It awakens you from sloth and conceit. Face the dualities of life with thithiksha (fortitude). But be aware, thithiksha is different from patience (Sahana). Patience is putting up with something; tolerating or bearing with it because you have no other choice. Fortitude is having the capacity to overcome it, but yet, disregarding it - that is the spiritual discipline. Putting up with the external world of duality with inner equanimity and peace is the path that will lead you to liberation. Bear all, with analytical discrimination - this type of patience will yield good results.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 4.
一般来说,人们都是只追求快乐,绝不会想要痛苦、不幸与悲伤,他们视快乐为最亲近的祝福者,而痛苦、不幸与悲伤则为不共戴天的仇人。这是大错。当你快乐时,生悲的风险是很大的;你会一直担心失去快乐。痛苦反而会让人去探究、去明辨、去省视自己,并害怕更糟的事会发生,痛苦让你从怠惰和自负中苏醒。要以thithiksha(坚忍刚毅的精神),面对人生的二元极端。但是要注意,thithiksha和sahana(忍)不同,“忍”是忍耐某些事情,容忍或逆来顺受,因为你别无选择。“坚忍刚毅”则是有能力克服它,但是却不当它一回事 ── 那才是修行。以平常心和平静来忍受二元的外在世界,乃是了脱生死之路。要以分析式的明辨来承受一切,这种形式的“忍”会产生好结果。
What is the sign of your goodness? You’re joyful when another is happy; you’re sad when another grieves.
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