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207 我们要如何意识到“我不是身体”这种想法?
Dec 3, 2011: What should we do to realise that we are not the body? Bhagawan explains to us today.

To give up body consciousness must be your deeksha (steady pursuit). This must express itself in actual practice as discipline (nishtha) and training of senses and emotions (sikshana). Water or fire as such cannot move a train. They must both co-operate to produce a third element - steam, which moves the train forward. Treat discipline as more important than even food. This body (deha) is but an instrument to realize the Indweller (Dehi). With determination and faith feed your spirit as scrupulously as you feed the body. You will attain union with the Indweller only when your mental agitations are curbed and equanimity is achieved. Whatever be the path - devotion, wisdom or selfless action, it must lead you to achieve equanimity. To cross safely across the flood of birth-death-continuum, you must build this sturdy safe bridge called unflinching discipline (nishtha).
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol V, Jan 29, 1965.
一定要将抛弃“身体意识”(译注︰亦即抛弃“我是身体”)这种想法,当成一件持之以恒的工作,表现在实际的nishtha(训练、纪律、控制)和sikshana(感官、情绪等等的锻炼)上。水和火本身并不能推动一辆火车,它们一定要合作,产生另一种元素 ── 蒸汽,来推动火车。要把修行看得比吃饭还重要。身体只是一件工具,用来了悟内在的寓居者。抱着决心和信心,喂饱你的心灵,就像你充满关怀的喂饱自己身体一样。只有当内心的躁动不安止息了,平等心有了,你才能与内在的寓居者合一。不论你走的是虔诚、知识、或是无私服务的路线,它一定要能让你成就平等心。要安全越过生死轮回的大海,一定要建造一座坚固安全的桥,叫做“不退转的修行”。
Doing one’s duty lovingly and selflessly is the highest spiritual endeavor.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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