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206 什么是造成喜与悲的原因,我们如何不被它们压垮?
Dec 2, 2011: What is the cause of joy and grief and how do we save ourselves from being crushed between these two? Bhagawan explains and urges us today.

If the senses keep to their places there is no reason to fear. It is only when they start to contact the objects around, the twin distractions of joy and grief are produced. When you hear someone defaming you, you experience anger and grief; but there is no such agitation if the words do not fall on your ears. The attraction of the senses to the objects is the cause of grief and its twin, joy. So long as the world is there, sense-object contact cannot be avoided; similarly till the time one has the burden of previous births, one cannot escape the joy-grief complex. Still, one can master the art, the discipline, the secret of avoiding them or bearing them without bother.

Of what use is it to wait till the waves are silenced, before you wade into the sea for a bath? The wise one learns the trick of avoiding the blows of the onrushing waters and the drag of the receding waves. Wear the armour of fortitude (thithiksha), and weather the blows of good and bad fortune. Thithiksha means equanimity in the face of opposites, that is, putting up boldly with duality.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 4.
若感官谨守其位,就没有什么好担忧的,只有当它们开始与四周物体接触时,欢喜与悲伤的二重奏才于焉产生。当你听到人家在诋毁你,你又气又伤心,但是如果话没有传到你的耳朵,你就没有这种激动。感官为东西所吸引,是造成悲伤和它的孪生兄弟 ── 欢喜 ── 的原因。只要世界还在,感官与物体的接触就不可避免;只要还有前世业障的负担,一个人就避免不了悲与喜。不过,还是有一套艺术,一套纪律、秘诀,能让人避免这些悲喜或不为所动。

欲进入海里洗澡,等待风平浪静再跳入,有用吗? 浪永远不会停止。明智的人,则学会一套浪来时不被冲倒,浪去时,不被卷走的技巧。穿上“Thithiksha(坚忍不拔)”的甲冑,好运和坏运就伤不了你。Thithiksha(坚忍不拔、平常心)意谓,以平常心面对悲、喜之类的两种极端,勇敢忍受二元对立。
Equanimity (Thithiksha) in gain and pain is the privilege of the strong and the treasure of the brave.
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