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205 为什么我们应该放弃我们是一个个体的感觉? |
Dec 1, 2011: Why should we give up the feeling that we are an individual entity? Bhagawan explains to us through a simple illustration.
Lord Krishna, in His childhood days, broke the mud pots where butter was stored. The inner meaning is that Lord Krishna broke the material casement and liberated them from their temporary attachments. He then appropriated to Himself what always belonged to Him - the butter of faith. This butter is the result of the churning of the mind, the spiritual discipline of self-purification. The deha-thathwa (the feeling, “I am the body”), must go and transform into dehi-thathwa (the belief, “I am embodied”). Take a small quantity of sea water and keep it separate in a bottle; it will develop a foul smell in a few days. As long as the water remains in the sea, nothing will happen to it. Be in the sea (of Divinity), as a part of it. Do not separate and individualize yourself. Never isolate yourself as the body (deha), separate from the Indweller (Dehi). So long as you are in the Divine Consciousness, no pain, grief, egoism or pride can tarnish you.
- Sathya Sai Speaks: Vol 5, Jan 29, 1965. |
圣主克里希那小时候打破泥罐,偷吃里面的奶油,这件事的内在涵意,是主克里希那打破了那物质的盒子,将她们(挤牛奶的牧女)从一时的执着中解放出来,然后将那始终就属于祂的东西 ── 信心的奶油 ── 据为己有。那奶油是从搅拌心念 ── 亦即自我净化的灵修 ── 而得。一定要将“吾乃此色身”这种感觉,转变为“吾据此色身(吾以色身之相示现)”的想法,只要抱持这种想法,你就不会为痛苦、悲伤、傲慢、我执所沾污。就像海水,若只舀一点放进瓶子里,则过几天就发臭了,但是若将水一直留在海里,就没什么东西能让其变质。要置身于那(神性的)大海,成为它的一部份,不要将自己分离,视自己为一个个体。不要认为自己就是身体,而非那内在寓居者。
You must endeavour to bend the body, mend the senses and end the mind.
[赛的启示] |