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204 要得到平静,为什么必须长养智能?
Nov 30, 2011: Why is developing wisdom essential to attain peace? Bhagawan guides us today.

What exists is only the perceiver of both the dream and the waking state - the "I”. Know that “I”; and know that “I” is the same as ”He” (God). You can know this only by intense spiritual discipline, that is not marred by anger, envy and greed - the vices that sprout from ego. You have to carefully watch and control these vices. When you get angry, you act as if you are possessed by an evil spirit; your face becomes ugly and frightful. Like the red bulb winking when danger is approaching, your eyes and face become red and act as a warning to you. Heed that signal and quietly get away to a lonely spot. Do not give free vent to wicked words. Once you grow in wisdom, ego will naturally fall away. So develop wisdom and discriminate by knowing the ephemeral nature of all objective things. Then ego will die a natural death from the field of your heart and you will attain salvation.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 5, Jan 14, 1965.
真正存在的,只是那个在作梦或在清醒状态的“我”。要去了解这个“我”,要去知道,这个“我”和“祂”(上帝)是同一个东西。要知道这一点,只有靠勤奋不懈,精进修行。这种修行,是那种不受贪、瞋、嫉妒 ── 这些从我执所萌生的恶 ── 所污染的修行,你得小心翼翼观照自己,控制这些毒。当你生气时,你会像被邪灵附身一样,一张脸变得又丑陋又可怕。就像当危险迫近时,红灯在闪一样,你的眼睛和脸也是血红,以示警告。要注意那项警告信号,安静的离开现场,到一处没有人的地方,不要恶言脱口而出。一旦你长了智能,我执自然会消退,所以要长养智能,要能明辨,知道诸行无常,这样,我执自然会消退。
“I WANT PEACE”: ‘I’ is ego; ‘want’ is desire. Remove ego and desire and you will have peace in your heart.

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