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203 一切悲伤的起因究竟是什么?
Nov 29, 2011: What exactly is the cause of all grief? Swami explains the root cause of sorrow so that we may learn to be always joyful.

Attachment to the body produces grief of all kinds and sorts, and its immediate precursors - affection and hatred as well. These two are the results of the intellect considering some things and conditions as beneficial, and others as not; this is a delusion. Despite the knowledge of this fact, at times, you get attached to objects that you consider favourable and start hating the others. From the highest point of view, there is neither; the distinction is just meaningless. There is no two at all; then how can there be good and bad? To see two where there is only one is ignorance (Maya). The fundamental ignorance is the belief that you are the body, and this is the cause for all grief. Practise living in divine consciousness instead of body consciousness, and be free from grief and live in joy.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3.
对身体的执着迷恋,造成各式各样的悲伤,以及它的前驱 ── 爱与恨。之所以会有此二种心态,乃是因为心智将某些东西和条件视之为有益,而另外一些则视之为无益;这是妄见。虽然你懂得这个道理,但有时候你仍然迷恋执着于对自己有帮助的东西,而讨厌其他东西。从最高的观点来看,“有益”、“有帮助”与“无益”、“无帮助”,二者都不存在,这种区分根本没有意义。根本没有“二”,哪来的“好”与“坏”二元对立? 见“二”,而实际上只有“一”,就是无明 ── 为幻象所误。认为“我”就是“身体”,是根本的无明,是一切悲伤的起因。要练习活在神性意识里,而非活在身体意识中,这样就能远离悲伤,活在喜悦中。
Joy and grief are caused when objects and senses meet.

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