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201 我们如何深化对神的虔诚和臣服?
Nov 27, 2011: How can we grow in loving devotion and surrender to the Divine? Swami explains to us today.

As one advances in surrender from the stage, “I am Thine” (Thavaivaaham), to that of, “You are mine” (Mamaiva-thwam) and then to “You and I are One” (Thwame-vaaham), the devotee has progressively acquired the devotion that makes one inseparable from the Lord, called Avibhaktha-bhakthi. In this stage, the devotee can no more withhold oneself and hence offers all to the Lord - that completes one’s surrender. This state of “Thou art I”, is based on the realisation that everything is the Lord Himself, nothing less. So long as body consciousness persists, the devotee is the servant and Lord, the Master. And as long as an individual feels separateness from other individuals, there is body consciousness. When one progresses beyond the limits of the body, beyond that of ‘I’ and ‘Mine’, then there is no more distinction; the devotee and Bhagavan are one and the same. In the Ramayana, Hanumantha achieved this third stage through his devotion.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3.
当一位信徒从“我是您的”进入“您是我的”,再进入“尔与我一而不二”的境界,在“交托、臣服、皈依(Sharanagathi)”上不断进展时,他的虔诚渐次深化,再也无法与上主分开。这种虔诚叫作avibhaktha-bhakthi,在这个境界里,信徒将一切献给主 ── 包括自己,毫无保留,而完成了“交托”。这种“您即是我”的境界,是建立在“其实万物,都是上主本身,不折不扣。”的了解上。只要身体意识还在,信徒与主的关系,就是仆人与主人。只要一个人仍旧觉得,自己与他人之间,“你是你,我是我”,那表示身体意识还存在,那他就只是部份,上主是整体。当他超越了身体,超越了“我”与“我的”,那时就不再有区别,信徒与主,变成一而不二。在《罗摩演义》里,猴王哈努曼就藉由虔诚而到达这种第三境界。
I carry the burden of everyone who is devoted to Me.

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