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196 我们如何控制脾气,以及放下差别和歧异?
Nov 22, 2011: How do we control our temper and give up differences? Bhagawan directs and guides us today.

Wherever you look, God is present there. Whomsoever you see, God is in him. God has no particular form; all forms are His. That is why the Vedas declare Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Pad (The Cosmic Being has thousands of heads, eyes and feet). When you sit for meditation, do not allow the mind to waver; always keep it steady. Do not develop differences amongst yourselves as controversies give rise to many troubles. Even if anybody makes you angry, do not fight with them; understand that when you quarrel, you actually harm yourself. Also control your thoughts. All these are the qualities of a truly educated person. This is called Educare. Along with education, you should also have Educare, for this will grant you health, happiness, peace and prosperity. Everything will become good to you if you make your heart pure.
- Divine Discourse, 22 Nov 2010.
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character.

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