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194 什么是真正的交托(surrender)? |
Nov 20, 2011: What is genuine surrender? Why is it superior? Swami educates us today.
People surrender their dignity and status to other men and women for wealth, fame, possessions, pomp, power, etc. But rarely does one get the chance to surrender to the Lord for the sake of the Lord! How can one feel the urge to do so, so long as one craves for the materialistic objects (aadheya) and not the Source of the objects (Aadhaara)? How long can the baseless satisfy? People want the created not the creator; things from the hand, but not the Hand! Can there be an object without the cause? No. God alone is the ‘Uncaused’. It is sheer ignorance to surrender individuality for the sake of the caused. Surrender rather to the Cause, the Source, the Origin of all - Sarveswara. This is genuine surrender or Saranagathi.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3. |
人们为了财、名、权、场面等等,不惜将自己的尊严和地位交托予人,却很少有机会,不为别的,只为了主,而交托自己给主。只要他追求aadheya(物质上的东西),而不是那物质东西的源头(Aadhaara),他怎会有强烈的愿望臣服于主? 无根的东西能令人满足多久? 人们要的是被创造之物,而非造物主;要的是人手上的东西,而非神手上的东西! 有什么东西是“非缘起”的? 没有,只有上帝是无「因」自有的。为了一些因缘而生的东西,而交出自己,是不折不扣的无明。要将自己交给万物之因、万物之源,这才是真正的交托,Sharanagathi。
By surrendering to the Divine and developing a heart filled with devotion and love, one can face all the challenges of life.
交托自己给神,让心充满虔诚和爱,藉此,一个人能面对人生中所有困难。 |
[赛的启示] |