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192 为什么要尊敬父母?
Nov 18, 2011: Why is it important to respect and revere one’s parents? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The mother's lap is the school for all; it is your first temple. There is no God higher than the mother. To recognise this truth about one's mother is the duty of every person. Your father is your treasure and mother, your god. Instead of valuing such precious wealth, people engage in all kinds of activities to acquire riches and positions. Father and mother are inseparable like the word and its meaning. The distinction between man and woman relate only to the physical body. The Indwelling Spirit in both of them is the same divine. Everyone should cherish one's parents as embodiments of the Divine.
- Divine Discourse, September, 1983
God showers His grace on those who make their parents happy.

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