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190 从《薄伽梵歌》的诞生和阿周那(Arjuna )的心理状态,我们可以学习到什么?
Nov 16, 2011:What can one learn from the scenario in which the Geetha was delivered and the mental state of Arjuna? Bhagawan explains and motivates us to seek everlasting joy.

Consider the place and situation in which the Geetha was delivered; therein lies the significance of this discourse. On one side were the forces of good (Dharma) and on the other, that of evil (adharma); caught between these two, and unable to decide which course to adopt, Arjuna weeps in despair. This was not just his dilemma; it is a universal human problem. Arjuna did not seek from Krishna the pleasing, worldly glory of power, status and wealth (Preyas) – he sought the lasting glory of full joy (Sreyas). Arjuna said to Krishna, "Preyas can be won by human activity or Karma. Why should I crave from You what I can win by my own endeavour? Grant me Sreyas, for it is not the fruit of action (Karma), but the fruit of grace!" Thus the lord gave the Geetha for all those who like Arjuna rise to the height of absolute self-surrender (Prapaththi or Saranagathi).
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3.
让我们思考一下《薄伽梵歌》诞生的场合,那场合就蕴含了这部开示的意义。当时一边是正义的力量,另一边是邪恶的力量,阿周那身陷二者之间,彷徨无措,左右为难,不禁沮丧而哭。这不仅仅是他个人的两难,这是所有人的问题。阿周那并未向圣主克里希那求Preyas(权力、地位、财富这些世间的荣耀、快乐),他追求的是Sreyas(圆满喜悦的永恒荣耀)。阿周那对克里希那说︰“Preya可藉由行动而获得,能靠自己努力去赢得的东西,我何必向您求呢? 赐给我Sreyas吧,因为那不是行动的果实,而是恩典的果实!”。这样,阿周那到达了Sharanagathi的境界──全然的皈依、交托。于是圣主对他唱出《薄伽梵歌》,将它给了所有像阿周那那样的人。
Cultivate your heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love.

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