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189 经典为谁而创?何时才能获得经典的精髓? |
Nov 15, 2011: For whose sake are the scriptures created? When can one attain the essence from the scriptures? Bhagawan explains to us with specific reference to the Bhagawad Geetha.
For whom was the Geetha delivered? Just think of this for a moment. Milk is not drawn from the cow’s udder for its own sake, for cows do not drink their own milk; Arjuna, the calf, has had his fill and Krishna needs nothing! The Lord Himself clarifies: He milked the Upanishads and brought out the Geetha for the "Sudhee-jana", those who possess intelligence (Su-dhee) that is moderated by goodness and controlled by virtue. But when does one become worthy of receiving the lessons of the Geetha? Rather than exult over your excellence, search for your own faults with the desire of removing them. You will then progress fast without being dragged behind by fear or anxiety. When you move on thus, placing all your burdens on the Lord and with faith in him, you will reach a state of mental calm, which is the sign of a true aspirant. Arjuna arrived at this stage and then Krishna gave him the teaching that confers immortality.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 3. |
《薄伽梵歌》是给谁的? 想一下这个问题。牛奶从牛的乳房中挤出,不是为了母牛自己,母牛不喝自己的奶;阿周那就好比一头小牛,喝足了奶,而主克里希那什么都不需要! 克里希那说:祂从《奥义书》中挤出《薄伽梵歌》,给Sudhee-jana──有才智,而又受到善与德规范的人。然而一个人何时才够格接受《薄伽梵歌》的教诲? 与其洋洋得意于自己杰出之处,不如寻找自己的缺点并力求改进,那你就会进步神速,而不会被恐惧或焦虑拖住。若你像这样的前进,将自己的重担放在主身上,对祂具有信心,你就会达到一种心灵平静的境地,这乃是真正求道者的象征。阿周那到达了此种境界,于是主克里希那开始教他道理,那些教诲能赐给人永生。
Be humble, be calm, be tolerant. Co-operate with all and treat everyone with courtesy and kindness.
[赛的启示] |