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188 处于这个容易让人分心的时代,哪个修行法能帮助我们专注于正确的理想?
Nov 14, 2011: In this age where it is so easy to get distracted, which spiritual practice will help us maintain focus on the right ideals? Bhagawan answers this important question and guides us.

Many in this world, even among the learned, do not spend their allotted span of life in the pursuit of the chosen ideals. Hence their earthly lives are like the voyage of a storm-tossed ship that has lost both its anchor and its compass, and is caught in mid-ocean. They are torn between opposing ideals and goals; in their ignorance and fear they say one thing and do another. Meditation will give such people fixity of purpose, courage, and also wisdom. It stills the agitated mind, makes it clear and fills it with joy. The path of meditation will destroy ignorance and grant the individual union with God.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.
Do not fritter away the time allotted to you for sojourning on earth, in foolish foppery and fanciful foibles which always keep you outdoors.

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