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187 如何在任何地方,任何时刻都能体验神性?
Nov 13, 2011: What should be done to experience Divinity everywhere and all the time? Bhagawan explains and motivates us, so that we may accelerate our spiritual practices.

When one has attained the state of realising Divinity in every being, when every instrument of knowledge brings the experience of that Divinity and when It alone is seen, heard, tasted, smelt and touched, man undoubtedly becomes a part of the Body of God and lives in Him and with Him. This path is not laid down or recommended for the extraordinary among men alone. It is within the reach of all, for all have the hunger for God. When this duty to your own progress is taken up, you will get a new strength at the very first step; you will experience a new and purer joy; you will be refreshed by a new holiness. Therefore each person should pursue one's own dharma (individual duty). You should plan your life according to the spiritual foundations of your culture and listen to the voice of God.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 1.
Have constructive thoughts, consoling words and compassionate acts.

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