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185 为什么需要,以及如何念诵神的名号?
Nov 11, 2011: Why and how should we perform namasmarana? Bhagawan motivates us today, so that we may attain bliss.

The power of the divine name is unparalleled. People often take it lightly; that is a mistake. God's name is the real diamond - 'Die mind'. Keep it safe and secure. Whoever does namasmarana, (Repetition of God’s Name) whatever be the name they take and wherever they are, their life will be sanctified and they will be free from sin. Do not be too concerned about the tune and rhythm (raga and thala). Chant the divine name wholeheartedly and with complete faith. Faith develops love for God. Namasankirtan (singing of God's name) when done with absolute concentration and steady faith like a yogi, will help achieve great transformation. Fix your mind steadily on the divine name and attain bliss.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 13, 2007.
神的圣号,威力无匹,人们往往小看了它,那是一个错误。神的名号是真正的钻石diamond ──“die mind(死心︰让心念死去。译注︰die mind 和 diamond 谐音)”,要好好保管它。念诵神的名号的人,不论选用哪一个名号,不论身在何方,他的生命都可以被圣洁化,不再造罪业。不要太在意曲调和韵律节奏,衷心的唱诵神的圣名,信心十足。信心能建立对神的爱。歌唱神的名号,若能像瑜伽修行者那样,全神贯注,信心坚定,则整个人可以脱胎换骨。要一心安住在神的名号,而得妙乐。
Even a mountain of danger will melt away like ice if one’s thoughts are always centred on God.

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