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184 我们在某些地方感到快乐,而在其他环境中却不自在。我们如何能感觉到无时不有,无处不在的喜悦?
Nov 10, 2011: We are naturally happy in some places and are uncomfortable in some other environments. How can we feel happy at all places and at all times? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Do not worry about the unsatisfactory environment you may be in. Of course, sometimes the place you are in may have drawbacks and may not be ideal. But it is of no use trying to run away from it. You can overcome any obstacle by training your own mind. Stay in your environment and pray to the Lord that He may fill you with His thoughts and vision, enabling you to ignore the defects of your surroundings. Do not seek comfort, for it might not be conducive to meditation. Learn to be comfortable in any place; that is better. Live in joy wherever you are for that is the way. Revel in the realm of your mind, worship there the Lord you have chosen as your goal and be free of all the defects of your natural or human environment! Then no spot will be irksome to you, nor will any place seem disgusting.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.
(禅坐的)环境不如意,不要去操心,当然,有时候你所在的环境会有缺点而不够理想,但是逃离那儿是没有用的,你可以靠训练你自己的心念来克服任何障碍。留在你的环境中,向主祈祷,请祂以祂的念头和正见来充满你,使你能忽略周遭的缺点。不要求舒适,因为那不见得有助于静坐,要能随遇而安才好。不论在哪儿,都要活在快乐中,那样才对。要沉迷于内心的世界,在那儿膜拜主──你的目标,不受自然或人为环境的缺陷影响! 那样就没有一处令你烦心,没有一处令你讨厌。
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