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183 背诵神名和冥想神名为何重要? |
Nov 9, 2011: Why is recitation of and mediation on the divine name essential? Bhagawan explains and motivates us today.
Just as fish can live only when it is immersed in water, so too man is an animal that can live well only when immersed in bliss (ananda). One must have ananda not only at home and society but more importantly, in the heart as well. In fact the ananda in the heart spreads joy all around. The heart is the spring of bliss which has to be charged by constant meditation, recitation and the intermittent dwelling on the glory, the grace and the manifestations of the Lord (smarana, chethana and manana). Without giving way to doubt or despair, hold fast to the goal and never turn back. The one devoted to God knows no failure. The name of the Lord, if taken sincerely will help you overcome all obstacles. When the Saviour is by your side, why doubt whether you will be saved?
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1961.
To evoke the Divine in you, there is no better method than Namasmarana.
[赛的启示] |