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182 主对祂的信徒所冀望的是什么?祂如何帮助每一个信徒?
Nov 8, 2011: What does the Lord seek from a devotee and how does He help each and every one of them? Swami explains to us today.

See the Lord in every being; be aware of Him every moment of existence and be immersed in the Ananda (bliss) of this awareness. Merged in the relationship born out of profound devotion to Him, surrender your wish and will to act; the attitude, the activity and the fruit of the action as well - offer to the Lord everything from beginning to the end. That is, perform all actions in a spirit of worshipful non-attachment. This is what the Lord seeks from each and every devotee. Of course, such complete surrender is not easy. But if you make the slightest effort towards it, the Lord Himself will confer the courage to pursue it to the end. He will walk with and help you as a friend and guide; He will guard you from evil and temptations; He will be your staff and support.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 1
When you surrender to the Lord, He will guide you and guard you like the eyelids guard the eye.

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