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181 为什么知足是那么重要的品德?
Nov 7, 2011: Why is contentment such an important quality? Bhagawan explains bringing out its various facets.

Remember that contentment will not make one an idler. It is an attribute of true pure (sathwic) character. It will make the mind turn always towards the Lord. It will save you from the tribulations that one goes through to satisfy unimportant wants and to cater to selfish needs. It will direct human talents towards efforts that elevate. The contented person will also be truthful and will therefore be in constant communion with the Atma. That is to say, such a person can be immersed in meditation for long periods without needing rest or feeling fatigued. Contentment is the royal road to meditation.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 1
Do not fritter the days in attaining affluence in material possessions, which are often impediments in the journey of life.

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