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180 我们需要培育什么样的灵性领悟?世尊教导我们如何成为真正的智者。
Nov 6, 2011: What is the spiritual understanding that we need to develop? Bhagawan explains and teaches us how to become truly wise.

Joy and grief are as day and night; they have to be put up with and gone through. They will neither appear nor disappear at your will! Both are related to the physical or the material - the body, and they do not affect the soul. You are liberated the moment you transcend joy and grief. What is there to grieve in life? Did you grieve when your body underwent changes? The child disappears in the boy, the boy in the youth, the youth is lost in the middle-aged man who in turn is lost in the old man. You never weep over these changes that affect the body, why then, when the body is lost in death. Whatever changes your body may suffer, the Atma remains immortal. Being established unshakably in this knowledge is the sign of the wise, the Jnani.
-Geetha Vahini, Ch 1
快乐与悲伤,犹如白昼与黑夜,必须忍受,让它们逝去,它们不会凭你的意志开始或结束。二者都属于物质──身体──的层次,影响不到你的灵魂。若能超越快乐与悲伤,则当下即得解脱。人生中有什么事情好悲伤? 身体的变化,让你悲伤? 那个幼儿消失,变成孩童,孩童变成青年,青年消失,成了中年人,再变成老年人,这些身体上的改变,你从不哭泣,那这样,又何必为一死而哭泣呢? 不管身体遭受任何改变,阿特曼却是不死的。有此知识,坚信不移,乃是智者的象征。
Joys and sorrows are the results of the mind’s involvement in the transient and the trivial.

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