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179 要达到明心见性,需满足什么条件?
Nov 5, 2011: What are the criteria we need to fulfill to attain self-realisation? Bhagawan explains in detail today.

At the gates of liberation (moksha) and self-realisation (sakshathkara), three guards are posted to ask you for your credentials. They are: peace or mental equilibrium, Joy or contentment, and enquiry or discrimination (santhi, santhosha, and vichara). Even if one of the guards is made friends with, the others too will facilitate your entry. First in the series is peace. If you make peace yours, contentment (thrupthi) will automatically become yours! Contentment is the true source of joy and the most valuable of all possessions, in the absence of which desire and greed attain dangerous proportions, overwhelming the power of discrimination itself. Desire easily becomes greed which then degenerates into miserliness and lust. These will makes you flit from object to object in mad pursuit of the evanescent sensual joy. Hence advise your min d to flow in the direction of the Lord, instead of dragging you along the floods of objects and sensual desires. Giving up all other desires and being ever content, dwell on the Lord’s name and form alone.
-Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.
在了脱生死、明心见性的天堂大门外,站着三位守卫,问你要证件,三位守卫分别是:平静,亦即内心的平稳;喜悦,亦即知足;以及探究,亦即明辨。只要和其中一位有些交情,其他两位也会让你容易进去些。三位中,第一顺位是平静,若能让平静成为你的,则知足也自动会成为你的!知足是快乐的真正来源,是你所拥有的东西中,最有价值的,少了它,欲望和贪心会气焰高张,连明辨的能力都淹没。欲望容易变为贪婪,贪婪又堕落为吝啬和色欲,这些习性会使你疯狂追求短暂的感官享乐,从一物飞到另一物。有这种习性的人如何培养得出专注能力? 而没有专注能力,如何能禅定? 而没有禅定,就无法“得道”。所以,劝劝你的心念,要它朝神的方向流,不要将你拖进物欲和感官欲望的洪流中。放弃所有其他欲望,常保知足,心中只想着神的圣名和妙相。
Meditation on the name and form is real peace (santhi) and genuine contentment (santhosha).

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