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178 为什么《薄伽梵歌》(Bhagavad Geetha) 的启示至今仍然适用?
Nov 4, 2011: Why is the message of the Bhagavad Geetha relevant even in the present times? Bhagawan explains and encourages us to learn from this sacred text.

No one can escape delusion; no matter how scholarly one may be. As a result of this delusion man is subjected to grief, and this grief acts as a brake upon activity. Arjuna the great hero, capable of immense renunciation and wisdom, was deluded by the awful needs of war. The grief therefrom handicapped his activity. He confused the body and the self; he imposed on the Atma, (ever untouched by the characteristics of the moving and changing world) the unreal and ephemeral nature of the world and believed this delusion to be true. This is the tragedy not of Arjuna alone, but of all humanity! That is why the Bhagavad Geetha is of universal and eternal value. To study it, is to learn the art of swimming across the sea of delusion. The fact that Geetha has provided consolation and liberation to millions is itself evidence of its Divine origin.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 1.
没有人──不论他多有学问──能逃过幻象,这种颠倒梦想,使人为悲伤所困,这悲伤对人的行动起了煞车作用。大英雄阿周那(译注︰印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》里的主人翁之一),虽然有极高的智能,并且能舍能离,却仍然因为一场不得已的战争,而彷徨迷惑,那悲伤妨碍了他的行动。阿周那把身体和真我搞混了,他把这世界的虚幻无常,加诸于恒常、如如不动的阿特曼身上,并相信这种幻象真实不虚。这不仅仅是阿周那的悲剧,也是全人类的悲剧! 那正是《薄伽梵歌》具有普世和永恒价值的原因,研读这部经典,就是在学习游过幻象之海的技艺。《薄伽梵歌》带给无数人安慰与解脱,这一点就足以证明,它来源神圣。
Doing one’s duty as worship is the highest spiritual endeavour.

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