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176 什么是最简单和最有效的修行?
Nov 2, 2011: Which is the simplest and most effective of all spiritual practices? Bhagawan explains and enlightens us today.

Give up Para chintana (thinking about others) and cultivate Paramatma chintana (thinking about God). This is the true spiritual practice (Sadhana). Do not be carried away by worldly pleasures. Take to the sacred path and sanctify your time by chanting the Divine Name. There is no need to allocate a specific time or place for Namasmarana (repetition of the Lord’s name). You can do it wherever you are and whatever you are doing. One needs to pay tax for water, electricity, etc., but there is no tax for Namasmarana. Nobody can stop you from doing it. It is very simple, yet most effective. But people do not realise the value of Namasmarana as it is so easy to practise. We think that God can be attained only through severe austerities. This is a misconception. Without troubling yourself or causing trouble to others, you can chant the divine name. Follow this simple path, experience bliss and sanctify your life.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 24, 2002.
要放弃 Para chintana,培养Paramatma chintana ── 要放下其他事情,专心想着上帝,这才是真正的修行。不要迷失在世间享乐中,要耽于神圣之道,唱诵神的圣号,让你宝贵的光阴变得圣洁。Namasmarana(念诵神的名号)不需要专门的时间或地点,不管在什么场所,在做何事,都可随时随地进行。使用水电,要缴税,但是Namasmarana不用缴税,没有人能阻止你去做,它简单易行,又最具效果。人们却因它练习起来太容易,反而小看了它,以为要到达上帝,非靠严苛的苦行不可,这是错误观念。你可以唱诵神的名号,而不会给自己或他人带来麻烦。走这条简单的路子,去体验极乐,神圣化你的生命。
Realise that true happiness consists in union with God.

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