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175 为什么和怎么样去执行Namasmarana (念诵神的名号)?
Nov 1, 2011: Why and how should the spiritual practice of Namasmarana be performed? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Today the country is facing a lot of problems because people are not doing enough Namasmarana (repetition of the Lord’s name). Let each and every street reverberates with the singing of the Divine's glory; let each and every cell of the body be filled with the divine name. Nothing else can give you the bliss, courage and strength that Namasmarana can. People may say, “He is a big officer. How is it that he is also doing Namasmarana?” Some people may even make fun of you, but do not bother. No matter whoever it is, young or old, rich or poor, everybody has to do Namasmarana. You may not have any musical instruments for this; it does not matter. From the depth of your heart and with total dedication, sing the glory of God wherever you are. Only then can you lead the life of a true human being.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 14, 2002.


Love is the fruit that grows on the tree of divine name.

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