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171 想要灵修有成,应避免什么错误?
Oct 28, 2011: If one's aim is to progress spiritually what are the pitfalls to be avoided? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Egoistic individuals, love to exercise authority over others. They see everything through glasses coloured by the smoke of selfishness and self-love. “My words are true”; “My opinion is correct”; “My deeds are right” - Such attitude is very harmful for spiritual aspirants. Aspirants must look forward eagerly to any objective criticism, suggestion or advice from any quarter. Also, they must minimise all discussions and argumentations as these breed a spirit of rivalry and lead one to angry reprisals and vengeful fighting. Do not struggle to earn the esteem of the world. Do not feel humiliated or angry when the world does not recognise you or your merits. Learn this first and foremost if you are after spiritual success. Do not become elated when praised, for therein lies a deadly trap, which might even lead you astray and endanger your progress.
-Dhyana Vahini, Ch 14: “Remove Defects in Character”.
有我执的人,喜欢用权威压人家,他们用熏染了自私、自恋的有色眼镜,来看世界。「我说的就是真理」,「我的看法一定是对的」,「我的行为是对的」── 这种心态对求道者非常有害。对于各方的客观批评、建言、忠告,求道者一定要殷切盼望。另外,还要尽量减少讨论和争辩,因为那会制造敌对态度,导致忿怒、报复性的争斗。不要拼命去博取世人的尊重。若世人没有注意到你或你的美德,不要当它是侮辱,不要生气。想要灵修有成,先学这一课。受人赞美,勿洋洋得意,那是致命陷阱,甚至会让你迷失,危及灵性进展。

人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎。 《论语》
The person devoted to God knows no failure. The name of the Lord, if taken sincerely overcomes all obstacles.

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