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169 燃灯节(Deepavali)的内在意义是什么?
Oct 26, 2011: Greetings on the holy and joyous occasion of Deepavali. What is the inner significance of this festival of light? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The festival of Deepavali teaches a profound spiritual truth. On this day, an entire array of lamps are lit by the flame of one lamp. This act signifies that it is the One that has willed to become the Many. The lamp used to light symbolises the Supreme Effulgent Lord and the ones lit are the individual selves. As long as the demonic qualities remain in man, he will be immersed in darkness. Deepavali has to be observed as a day for getting rid of all these bad qualities. The demon Narakasura symbolises demonic qualities, and his death, which marks the festival of Deepavali, symbolises the destruction of evil and the restoration of good. This is the inner significance of the festival.
-Divine Discourse, Nov 9, 1988.
Deepavali (排灯节,亦为印度新年。2011年从 10/26开始,为期5天)教给我们一个深刻的真理,在这一天,一整排的灯用一盏灯的火点燃。这个操作表示,「太一」意欲变为「众多」。点燃所有其他灯的那一盏灯,象征至高无上、光辉灿烂的上主,被点燃的灯则象征众多的小我个体。只要一个人还有一些阿修罗(邪恶)的习气,他就脱离不了黑暗,燃灯节应该当作是一个去除这些坏习气的节日来庆祝。阿修罗Naraka(译者按︰根据印度神话,Naraka威力无匹,人间与天庭皆不堪其扰,最后为圣主克里希那所杀)象征人的邪魔习性,他的死,揭开了燃灯节的序幕,象征邪恶被摧毁,善被重新建立。这就是燃灯节的内在意义。
Only by the light of the Divine lamp inside, can you blossom as a worthwhile person.

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